Kraemer Aviation / March 2022 Wheels & Wings Newsletter
Saturday, March 26th, 2022
Welcome to the Kraemer Aviation/ Wheels & Wings Newsletter. This month the theme is “Maryland” – Harry’s home state. This month’s newsletter is full of Maryland Wheels & Wings information including: aircraft manufacturers of Maryland, car manufacturers of Maryland, checkride success, an award winning flight instructor, and much more.
Next month the theme is “Famous people and their cars & Famous Cars”.
You can view past newsletters here.
Interested in living at an airport? Visit our Aviation Real Estate page here. You can view price data for airport property in our Market Watch section of the Flymall. Here is the data for all airport property. You can refine the search by “state” simply by searching for the desired state under “Model”.
Want to have your business highlighted on the Flymall??? We offer inexpensive rates to have your business featured on our Wheels & Wings page. Contact us for more info.
History Trivia: Not really Maryland related, but this is too cool of a fact not to share this month. The F-11 Tiger is noted for being the first jet aircraft to shoot itself down. On 21 September 1956, during a test-firing of its 20 mm (0.79 in) cannons, pilot Tom Attridge fired two bursts midway through a shallow dive. As the trajectory of the cannon rounds decayed, they ultimately crossed paths with the Tiger as it continued its descent, disabling it and forcing Attridge to crash-land the aircraft; he survived.
Did you know that Maryland was the home of two major aircraft manufacturers during the 1900s?
Fairchild Aircraft was based in Hagerstown Maryland from 1931 to 1984. The Fairchild F-27 was one of their popular turboprop aircraft. The F-27 could be configured as an airliner or a corporate aircraft.

Fairchild Aircraft also built the A-10 Thunderbolt. Production A-10s were built by Fairchild Aircraft in Hagerstown Maryland.

The Glen L Martin Company was based in Middle River Maryland from 1917 to 1961. One of the aircraft that the Glen L Martin Company was know for we the Martin B-26 Marauder. This aircraft was built in Middle River. The B-26 saw extensive service during WWII.

During the late 1980s, early 1990s Harry was working at the Martin State Airport, formerly know as the Glenn L Martin Airport where the B-26 was made. During his time there he meet an older gentleman that worked at the Glen L Martin Company and actually meet Glen L Martin. Glen L Martin gave this person a few pictures of the aircraft that were made in the Middle River location and this person passed them on to Harry sometime in the late 1980s. These pictures are still in Harry’s collection.
If you enjoy history we have a new aviation history fact each day at the bottom of our webpages. Some days there may be more than one, just refresh the page. And if you like Beatles history, checkout our Events Calendar and select the Beatles category. This is a work in progress, we’re building the most comprehensive calendar of important dates in Beatle history. For those that like to stick with current news, we have an aviation news ticker on our home page. This is updated daily to show the current aviation news.
Achievements & Special Recognition: Instructors, what to highlight your students first solo or other achievement here? Just send us a short write-up and a picture or two and we’ll post it here for you. Click here for our contact info.
Earlier this month, Or Hadar passed the ground portion of her Instrument Rating checkride with Harry. She did an outstanding job. While in the military in Israel, she was a sim instructor for the Lockheed C-130. Or is considering being a career flight instructor. The industry needs more career instructors, especially goods ones like Or will be in a few months. We wish her the best in her aviation career.
Aviation/Aviators in the news: Harry’s good friend Yaniv Mizrahi was recently promoted to the assistant chief instructor at WIFA. Harry noticed what an outstanding job he was doing. So Harry contacted the FSDO recommending that he get some recognition. The Baltimore FSDO decided to give him an outstanding Flight Instructor award. Harry presented it to him at their monthly instructor meeting earlier this month. Way to go! Click on each picture for a larger view.

The aviation section of the Flymall is full of aviation news, training info, and much more for the aviator.
Air show season is always just around the corner. Want to travel to air shows in your own aircraft? Visit our used aircraft page on the Flymall to view our inventory.
Car/Motorcycle Show News: The Laytonsville Cruise In is the place to be on a Friday night in Montgomery County. The Laytonsville Cruise In was started by Harry in 2010. It has become one of the most popular cruise ins in the area. You can follow Harry on Facebook for daily updates during the many shows and events he attends.
Earlier this month, the Flymall team attended the District Harley Davidson Spring Open House event. It was a bit chilly and attendance was low. There were still a lot of nice bikes there. Click here for more pictures from the event.

Here’s a picture of the original McDonalds on Wise Ave in Dundalk Maryland. A favorite hangout spot for Harry and his school friends in the 1970s. Before Harry was old enough to drive, he would often ride his Power King 10 speed bike there (picture below) and later his 1972 Camaro (also pictured below).

Harry’s 1972 Camaro and his Power King ten speed bicycle. Harry still owns the 10 speed bicycle which is in very good condition.

Norris Ford was an iconic dealership of Dundalk. Before Harry was driving, he would often ride his Power King bicycle to this dealership to look at the new Mustangs sitting on the lot.

Our Events Calendar has the most current info regarding local and national car shows, air shows, and more. With nearly 30 categories, there is something for everyone. The Day Tripper section of the Flymall has dozens of day trip ideals and interesting places to visit. Check it out here.
Not really with the theme of “Maryland” for this month, however this is too cool not to include it here. In 1936, Harley-Davidson decided to try their hand at land speed racing. Other private race teams had previously used Harley-Davidson powered motorcycles, but this was to be the first “official” factory built land speed racer. Harley started with a 1937 EL model which was powered by their new overhead valve 61ci Knucklehead motor. Then they added low-slung handlebars and made a custom fairing using part of a gas tank that was reshaped to fit over the front forks. For additional aerodynamics, they added a rear tail fin assembly.
By March of 1937, the motorcycle was ready to make an attempt at a new record. During testing, it was discovered that the tail fin produced enough unwanted vibration that it was removed for the actual record attempt. Harley chose factory racer Joe Petrali to pilot the motorcycle and on March 13, he set a record of 136.183 miles per hour on Daytona Beach. Click on the picture for a larger view. Click here for more reading on this bike.

Barn Finds/Hangar Finds: Need an appraisal on your barn find? Visit our Appraisal Page for information on our appraisals.
Here’s a 1903 Indian motorcycle that sold in 2012 at the Wolfe Auction in Frederick Maryland for $155,000 USD. This bike was in all original condition. This bike predates the earliest Harley Davidson. It was part of a very large private collection being sold after the owner (Charlie Alder Jr.) passed away. Harry & Pat was there to witness this piece of history being sold. Charlie Alder collected everything from cars, motorcycles, railroad memorabilia, misc antiques, and more. There were 100s of Charlie’s items being sold at this auction. He must of had quite the barn!

Visit our online store to search for hard to find car parts, aircraft parts, and much more. You can pay online in our secure store, just click on the Store button on our home page.
Visit the Test Drive section of the Flymall for reviews on automobiles, aircraft, motorcycles, and more. Read about it before you buy it. You can also research price info on a wide variety of vehicles, collectibles, and more in the Market Watch section of the Flymall.
If you’re restoring a fabric aircraft, Ira Walker of Walker Aviation is your resource. Visit his page on the Flymall by clicking here.
CFI / DPE Notes: Visit Harry’s Practical Test page for information on his checkrides. You will also find useful information there to help you prepare for your checkride. You can also visit Harry’s Lesson Plan section of the Flymall for other flight training information. Visit our Flight Training page for information on our aviation training classes.
Weather in the news: March 12th brought the Maryland area a mid March snow storm. Checkout these radar images as the storm progressed.
Friday March 11th.

Saturday morning, March 12th.

Here’s a rare sight in a Terminal Forecast, BWI was forecasting moderate ice pellets, moderate snow, and moderate rain all at the same time. This was during the March 12th storm. Click on the image below for a larger view.

Three Wheel Association (TWA): Harry started the Three Wheel Association in 2013 to promote/support the industry of three wheel vehicles of all types. Visit the Three Wheel Association page on the Flymall for more info on the association.
Here is a cool motorcycle with sidecar taxi photographed on the streets of Baltimore Maryland in 1925.

Want a reproduction vintage 3 wheeler. Walker Aviation can scratch built from pictures or drawings. Visit his page on the Flymall.
Prototypes: Not exactly a prototype, however it is a rare and unusual car that was made in Maryland. Sinclair Scott Company, built a car called the Maryland. It was built at their factory at the corner of Wells and Patapsco streets in Baltimore. It had a reputation for being the “solidest of the extra solid cars” of its day. Henry Ford was so impressed with the Maryland when it saw it at the Baltimore Auto Show in 1906 that he asked its maker, John and Edwin Rife, to merge their Baltimore plant with his. This did not happen. The Maryland was made from 1907 to 1910.
Sinclair-Scott was a maker of food canning machinery and in the early 1900s started to make car parts. One of their customers, Ariel, failed to pay, so to make amends, Sinclair-Scott took over production of the Ariel, moved the factory to Baltimore, and marketed the car as the Maryland. Pictured here is an Ariel which is identical to the Maryland.

The state of Maryland could have been The Motor City! Over 100 years ago, Maryland was the home of numerous car manufacturers.
The M.P Moller Motor Car Company of Hagerstown Maryland was one of them. They produced the Dagmar, an elegant early twenties sports roadster named after the owner’s eldest daughter. The company founder, Mathias Peter Möller, moved to Hagerstown Maryland in 1881 and soon became the largest and most-widely known organ factory in the United States. The company started manufacturing cars in the early 1900s.
The Crawford Bicycle Company which became the Crawford Automobile Co. was based in Hagerstown Maryland. In 1922 Mr. Moller took over the Crawford Automobile Co. and introduced the Dagmar (mentioned above).
Crouch Automobile Manufacturing and Transportation Co. in Baltimore City made the Crouch in the 1890s. This was a steam powered vehicle.
The Carter Motor Car Co. in Hyattsville Maryland. In 1907 it introduced the first Carter Twin-Engine.. Beneath the rounded hood were two four-cylinder, horsepower motors. The driver could run on one engine or shift to both if more power was needed on a hill.
The Schaum Automobile Motor Manufacturing Co. in Baltimore City. Between 1900 and 1903, the company turned out a few cars that were powered by a single cylinder gas engine mounted under the seat.
The Pope Manufacturing Co. in Hagerstown between 1904 and 1907 made the Pope-Tribune. This company was an offshoot of the nation’s largest bicycle manufacturing company.
The Carl Spoerer’s Sons made the Spoerer between 1903 and 1913 in Baltimore City.
The Burns Brothers of Havre de Grace Maryland manufactured cars between 1908 and 1912.
Lord Baltimore Motor Car Co. It offered a line of cars and trucks between 1911 and 1913.
And we have the Steinmetz Truck, an electric vehicle made by Steinmetz Motor Car Co., in Baltimore, between 1920 and 1927.
Nautical Notes: Here are a couple of boats that Harry sailed on in the early 1970s. He was part of the Sea Scouts, long before they were a part of the Boy Scouts. The sailboat was a 42 foot Ketch called the Mermaid. The other was a WWII crash boat called the Burch. Most of the sailing was done on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay. They would often go out for weeks at a time. Click on each image for a larger view.

Frozen Chesapeake Bay in 1930s with the ferry John M. Dennis. This ferry had a hull capable of breaking ice. The John M. Dennis was built in 1929 and was just over 200 feet long. It carried 65 vehicles and 880 passengers. It was placed in service on June 13, 1929.

Riding The Rails: Baltimore is also home for the B&O Railroad Museum. This museum has the largest collection of 19th-century locomotives in the states.

Animals in the headlines: Since our theme is “Maryland” this month, Maryland’s official state dog is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever’s roots are traced all the way back to 1807 when two pups who were rescued from a foundering ship in Maryland in 1807.
George Law, who rescued the pups, wrote this account in 1845 which appears on the website of the American Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club:
In the fall of 1807 I was on board of the ship Canton, belonging to my uncle, the late Hugh Thompson, of Baltimore, when we fell in, at sea, near the termination of a very heavy equinoctial gale, with an English brig in a sinking condition, and took off the crew. The brig was loaded with codfish, and was bound to Pole, in England, from Newfoundland. I boarded her, in command of a boat from the Canton, which was sent to take off the English crew, the brig’s own boats having been all swept away, and her crew in a state of intoxication. I found onboard of her two Newfoundland pups, male and female, which I saved, and subsequently, on our landing the English crew at Norfolk, our own destination being Baltimore, I purchased these two pups of the English captain for a guinea apiece. Being bound again to sea, I gave the dog pup, which was called Sailor, to Mr. John Mercer, of West River; and the slut pup, which was called Canton, to Doctor James Stewart, of Sparrow’s Point. The history which the English captain gave me of these pups was, that the owner of his brig was extensively engaged in the Newfoundland trade, and had directed his correspondent to select and send him a pair of pups of the most approved Newfoundland breed, but of different families, and that the pair I purchased of him were selected under this order. The dog was of a dingy red colour; and the slut black. They were not large; their hair was short, but very thick-coated; they had dew claws. Both attained great reputation as water-dogs. They were most sagacious in every thing, particularly so in all duties connected with duck-shooting. Governor Lloyd exchanged a Merino ram for the dog, at the time of the Merino fever, when such rams were selling for many hundred dollars, and took him over to his estate on the eastern shore of Maryland, where his progeny were well known for many years after; and may still be known there, and on the western shore, as the Sailor breed. The slut remained at Sparrows Point till her death, and her progeny were and are still well known, through Patapsco Neck, on the Gunpowder, and up the bay, amongst the duck-shooters, as unsurpassed for their purposes. I have heard both Doctor Stewart and Mr. Mercer relate most extraordinary instances of the sagacity and performance of both dog and slut, and would refer you to their friends for such particulars as I am unable, at this distance of time, to recollect with sufficient accuracy to repeat
We close this newsletter with these words: Here’s a quote from Edgar Allan Poe who called Baltimore Maryland his home several times during his life: We loved with a love that was more than love. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the poem “The Raven” which Baltimore’s football team is named after.
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