IFR Oral Guide – York Checkrides
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
- Best guideline – PTS and ASA Oral guide (Red book).
- A clock is required to be on board in an IFR flight? If yes, why?
YES, for:
- Partial panel operations.
- To time outbound and inbound legs in HOLDS
- Taking time from FAF to MAP. ETC.
2) CIRCLING approaches. Where can we find information about it? (in the approach plates book. In one of the first pages there’s a table stating where you should commence your missed approach. (Varies between Aircraft Categories).
3) DON’T FORGET THAT AT KTHV IT IS STANDARD TRAFFIC PATTERN (LEFT TURNS), so in case you circle to land after executing one of the RNAV approaches at KTHV you will have to break off the approach to the RIGHT to join a left pattern.
4) Oxygen requirements. Passengers/pilots, at what altitudes?
5) Currency requirements – (6 approaches within the last 6 months etc..)
6) In order to meet the requirement and stay current you’ll have to shoot 6 instrument approaches, perform holds ets… HOW MANY HOLDS DO YOU NEED TO DO TO STAY CURRENT? (the exact amount of holds is not specified in the FAR)
7) Holds:
- Leg time.Above 14,000 ft = 1:30 minutes for each leg.
- Bellow 14,000 ft = 1:00 minute for each leg.
- Holding entries, how to determine the proper entry procedure (direct, parallel, tear drop).
- GPS HOLD – normally 4 miles leg, time is not required.
8) MSA in GPS approaches depicted differently than other approaches. Its broken down to sections on the chart instead of one circle. (see RNAV 17 at York for example)
9) IFR FLIGHT PLAN – he’ll ask you to plan an IFR flight plan during the oral.
- You need to bring FLIGHT PLAN forms (like the one used for x country planning on private training).
- He normally asks you to plan a flight from KTHV to KAGC using the current weather conditions for the same day. He expects to see if you can determine if an ALTERNATE is required for the same trip or not. You need to choose altitudes, route etc.
- He could ask – what are the most important things to check in regard to weather for an IFR flight. (FREEZING LEVEL, WINDS ALOFT, RADAR etc.)
- If freezing level is at 5000 and you’ve got to conclusion that clouds starts at 4000 you wouldn’t go more than 4,000 because you will be subject for icing. (low temp + visible moisture = Icing).
- How do you know what the freezing level is? WINDS ALOFT, or FREEZING LEVEL CHART. On Winds aloft, temperature is provided. You may use the lapse rate for temperature drop in standard conditions (2 degrees for each 1,000 of ft) for example: if at 6000 you got 6 degrees Celsius, so at 9,000 you’ll have 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, we won’t climb as high as 8,000/9,000 !!
- How do you choose Altitude? FRZ LEVEL, CLOUDS, WINDS etc.
- He might give you scenarios using the IFR low chart. (When do you need to file an alternate, how much fuel you got to carry etc.)
10) RAIM – What is RAIM?
- How can you check integrity for the entire route? (in the GPS we can only check one point. In order to check RAIM prediction for the entire route we HAVE TO ASK THE BRIEFFER (!!)
11) How many satellites available to us? How many do we need?
12) WAAS
13) Instruments:
- Describe how does the Pitot tube work?
- What Instruments powered by the pitot static system?
- What Instruments powered by the Gyro/Vacuum System?
- What indication received from the Airspeed indicator when the pitot tube is clogged?
- Instruments ERROR in general.
14) When could you decent pass the DA/MDA/DH?
16) What do you require to do upon executing circling maneuver and you suddenly have no visual with the runway? (fly back over the runway and try to execute the missed approach from there)
17) MSA ESTABLISHED FOR..? (Key word = emergency. if you maintain at or above these altitudes you remain clear of obstacles)
18) ILS COMPONENTS (glide slope, LOC, Markers, Approach lights). Can you fly the ILS if one of them is INOP?
19) CLEARANCE (probably to KAGC – as you planned)
20) If ATC assigned a heading do you have to comply? No, in case it affects the safety of the flight (I am the PIC)
21) What do you do if you notice that you are about to over shoot the final approach course while given vectors to final? (MAINTAIN PRESENT HEADING AND QUERY ATC)
22) What is the A inside the triangle in the approach plate in the notes section?
23) What is the T inside the triangle in the approach plate in the notes section?
24) INSPECTIONS – (100 hours etc..)
25) VOR CHECKS + deviation (+/- 4 or +/-6 degrees)
26) MANDATORY equipment/Instrument for IFR.
(Atomato flames, grab card, Equipment list which can be found in the POH in the W&B section)
27) Is it mandatory to have an operative Magnetic Compass during IFR flight?
28) When would you report an emergency/urgency or advise ATC you have a problem?
- Minimum fuel
- Lost an essential instrument or equipment. (any of the Gyro instruments, VOR, GPS etc.)
- Ice has formed/starting to accumulate.
- Anything that can affect the safety of the flight or the safety of your passengers.
- If encountered bad weather activity. (Thunderstorm, Turbulence etc.)
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