Flight Instructor Plan Of Action


The term “instructional knowledge” means the instructor applicant is
capable of using the appropriate reference to provide the
“application or correlative level of knowledge” of a subject matter
topic, procedure, or maneuver. It also means that the flight instructor
applicant’s discussions, explanations, and descriptions should follow
the recommended teaching procedures and techniques explained in
FAA-H-8083-9, Aviation Instructor’s Handbook.

Area of Operation XI: Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins, contains Tasks referred to as “proficiency” and “demonstration.” The intent of Tasks B and C for single engine (proficiency) is to ensure that the flight instructor applicant is tested on proficiency for the purpose of teaching students these Tasks that are required for pilot certification. The intent of Tasks D, E, F, and H
(demonstration) for single-engine and Task D for multiengine is to ensure that the flight instructor applicant is knowledgeable and proficient in these maneuvers and can teach them to students for both familiarization and stall/spin awareness purposes.

Areas of Operation:
I. Fundamentals of Instructing (The examiner shall select Task E and one other Task)
Task A: Human Behavior and Effective Communication

Task B: The Learning Process

Task C: The Teaching Process

Task D: Assessment and Critique

Task E: Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism:  Student pilot certificate process,

Task F: Techniques of Flight Instruction

Task G: Risk Management

II. Technical Subject Areas (The examiner must select Tasks B, M, and at least one other Task)
Task A: Aeromedical Factors

Task B: Runway Incursion Avoidance

Task C: Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance

Task D: Principles of Flight

Task E: Airplane Flight Controls

Task F: Airplane Weight and Balance

Task G: Navigation and Flight Planning

Task H: Night Operations

Task I: High Altitude Operations

Task J: 14 CFR and Publications

Task K: National Airspace System

Task L: Navigation Systems and Radar Services

Task M: Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements — Go over Eligibility Exercises in employee area under Flight Training

III. Preflight Preparation (The examiner must select at least one Task)
Task A: Certificates and Documents

Task B: Weather Information

Task C: Operation of Systems

Task D: Performance and Limitations

Task E: Airworthiness Requirements

IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in Flight
Task A: Maneuver Lesson

Now we will take a look at some FAA videos and discuss if the student/applicant did the maneuver correctly (Employee Area, Flight Training, Flight Instructors)

V. Preflight Procedures (The examiner must select at least one Task)
Task A: Preflight Inspection (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Cockpit Management (ASEL and ASES)

45 Task C: Engine Starting (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Taxiing—Landplane (ASEL)

Task G: Before Takeoff Check (ASEL and ASES)

VI. Airport and Seaplane Base Operations (The examiner must select at least one Task)
Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES)

VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds (The examiner must select at least two takeoff and two landing Tasks)

PLT170 Questions

Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Short-Field (Confined Area ASES) Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb (ASEL)

Task F: Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)

Task G: Slip to a Landing (ASEL and ASES)

Task H: Go-Around/Rejected Landing (ASEL and ASES)

Task I: Short-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)

Task J: Soft-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL)

Task K: Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach and Landing (ASEL)

VIII. Fundamentals of Flight (The examiner must select at least one Task)
Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Level Turns (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns (ASEL AND ASES)

Task D: Straight Descents and Descending Turns (ASEL and ASES)

IX. Performance Maneuvers (The examiner must select at least Tasks A or B and C or D)
Task A: Steep Turns (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Steep Spirals (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Chandelles (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Lazy Eights (ASEL and ASES)

X. Ground Reference Maneuvers (The examiner must select Task D and one other Task)
Task A: Rectangular Course (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: S-Turns across a Road (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Turns Around a Point (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Eights on Pylons (ASEL and ASES)

XI. Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins (The examiner must select at least one proficiency stall (Task B or C), at least one demonstration stall (Task D, E, F, or H), and Task G)
Task A: Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Power-On Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES) NOTE: Entering a power off stall from slow flight is not correct.  This is a failure item.

Task C: Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Cross-controlled Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)

Task E: Elevator Trim Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)

Task F: Secondary Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)

Task G: Spins (ASEL)

Task H: Accelerated Maneuver Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)

XII. Basic Instrument Maneuvers (The examiner must select at least one Task)
Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Constant Airspeed Climbs (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Constant Airspeed Descents (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Turns to Headings (ASEL and ASES)

Task E: Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes (ASEL and ASES)

XIII. Emergency Operations (The examiner must select at least Tasks A and B)
Task A: Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL and ASES)

Task B: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions (ASEL and ASES)

Task C: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear (ASEL and ASES)

Task D: Emergency Descent (ASEL and ASES)

XIV. Postflight Procedures (The examiner must select Task A – note, for seaplane applicants, there are other Task that must be selected)
Task A: Postflight Procedures (ASEL and ASES)

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