Sample Recommendation Letter 3

The ___________ Chapter whole heartedly and enthusiastically recommends Ms. Patty Piper as an exceptional candidate for an AE scholarship in support of her CFI certificate. We have known Ms. Patty Piper for 10 years as she has steadily and persistently worked on her aviation credentials. She has been a long term member of the 99s, formally with the _______Chapter, and has held several Officer positions since joining our Chapter. She has been a consistently reliable and involved member in all our activities. She has accepted more and more responsibility, and we are very grateful she has recently stepped up to become Chair of the ________ Chapter.
We received two applications for AE scholarships from our members this year, and our Chapter has 42 members as of 10 Jan 19, so we are allowed 2-selectees to go forward as primary candidates. The selection committee this year was comprised of ______ (Secretary), _______ (Treasurer), _______ (Webmaster) and myself and we unanimously agreed that Ms. Patty Piper is an exceptional candidate, a long-term member of the 99s who has assumed progressively more responsibility. She is exactly who the 99s should nurture and support.
Ms. Patty Piper has worked for many years on becoming a CFI and has essentially all of the basic requirements completed. She had scheduled to take the FOI exam in late December, but due to the government shutdown, it was postponed until the testing facility is available (expected to be soon). She is requesting funds only to support the flight and ground time necessary to take the CFI check ride. She has worked with a single-minded focus to achieve her aviation goals while starting her family and raising two young children. I think her track record speaks for her tenacity and ability to complete a long-term goal she sets for herself and obtaining a CFI, becoming a professional Flight Instructor, is completely realistic and obtainable.
The question becomes how long it will take her to complete the flight and ground study portion, so she is proficient and ready to take the check-ride. She is saving as much as she can through her scientific writing and her husband’s income but living/ family expenses in the South Pole area are high  and her training has been interrupted and stretched over many years (5 years between Instrument rating and Commercial/ MEL). This scholarship will enable her to finish by the end of 2019. The amount she has requested is a reasonable cost for training and plane rental in this area.
I have no doubt Ms. Patty Piper will achieve her goal, eventually, and become a practicing CFI. She has been a long-term member of the 99s, an important and valuable Officer of the Chapter, has a track record of supporting the 99s goals and mission and is an outstanding role model. I expect she will be a lifelong member and an excellent candidate for the next generation of leadership. She truly needs this financial assistance to achieve her goal this year and I believe the 99s should both reward the commitment she has demonstrated and provide support to enable her future contributions to the organization.

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