Sample Letter From Harry

Dear Review Committee:

I am pleased to recommend Ms. Lear Jet as an outstanding candidate for a scholarship through Women in Aviation, Inc to help support her aviation goals. I met Ms. Lear Jet at the Wright Bros Flight Academy in Kitty Hawk, NC when she was training for her Private Pilot Certificate. She had completed her Private Pilot certificate and Instrument Rating within a few months and had acquired all the required hours for her Commercial certificate within six months. I was her Designated Pilot Examiner for her Commercial Pilot Certificate.

Ms. Lear Jet is exceptionally talented, extremely motivated and has some impressive accomplishments beyond aviation. Blah blah, blah. This mental and physical discipline is apparent in her flying skills as well. As her Designated Pilot Examiner for her Commercial Certificate and I found her preparation for the checkride to be exemplary. She had obviously studied very well and could answer all the questions, without hesitation. Her performance on the maneuvers was equally exemplary– remarkably smooth and exact for someone with her hours. She will excel in her aviation career.

As a 10,000 plus hour flight instructor and Designated Pilot Examiner, I can see that Ms. Lear Jet is a talented aviator. She is motivated, driven, and determined to succeed in her aviation career as an airline pilot. Now all she needs is the financial support.

Background on aviation roots here.

Ms. Lear Jet has been on the fast-track in getting her aviation credentials and has been paying for her flight training herself. As might be expected, her savings are depleted. It is commendable that she has had the discipline and motivation to save and pay for her training up to this point. Her financial need is clear and immediate: she simply will not be able to progress in her training, without interruption, unless some assistance is provided. Her goal is realistic: she has been raised on aviation and has the drive and intelligence to complete her plan.

I believe that Ms. Lear Jet is a well-balanced, mature, extraordinarily talented young lady who truly needs this financial assistance to achieve her goals. I have every confidence that she will complete her training and will be an asset to the WAI, and to women in aviation, in general.


Harry Kraemer
Designated Pilot Examiner

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