Private Pilot Checkride – flight portion

For the flying part of the exam show the examiner how the seats and doors work. Ask how they would like to handle things if we had a real emergency in flight. The examiner should tell you if he/she were going to take the controls. Suggest that during a real emergency that whoever was not at the controls would help with checklists and radios. You may do a soft field or short field take off. Be prepared to do steep turns. Under the hood you may fly some headings and altitudes. You will probably do some unusual attitudes. Next are the stalls. For the power off you should put the plane in landing configuration then stall. For the power on stall you should get into take-off configuration and do the stall. At Frederick you may overfly the airport at 2500 feet and then the examiner may fail the engine abeam the numbers and ask you to put it on the numbers. Remember that safe is better than right on the spot. This may turn into a go around. You may do a short-soft field landing.

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