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Instrument Rating Practical TestDescriptionInstrument Rating Practical Test / Plan Of Action Revised November 18 2023.IMPORTANT NOTES: The long IFR cross country CANNOT be used for the two dual commercial cross countries. You CANNOT use student pilot solo cross country time towards the 50 hours of cross country requirement for the instrument rating. You CANNOT log cross country time if you are acting as a safety pilot. You CANNOT use your dual 3 hours of instrument time (as a student pilot) towards the hours required for the instrument rating. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under the NEW ACS effective May 31 2024, any approach with a DA is now considered a precision approach. You know longer need a DA of 300 feet or less. An "Advisory Glide Slope" is still NOT considered a precision approach. Here is the OLD ACS wording on this "Localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) minimums with a decision altitude (DA) greater than 300 feet height above touchdown (HAT) may be used as a nonprecision approach; however, due to the precision of its glidepath and localizer-like lateral navigation characteristics, an LPV minimums approach can be used to demonstrate precision approach proficiency if the DA is equal to or less than 300 feet HAT." Here is the NEW ACS wording on this "The applicant must accomplish a precision approach to the decision altitude (DA) using aircraft navigational equipment for centerline and vertical guidance in simulated or actual instrument meteorological conditions. A precision approach is a standard instrument approach procedure to a published decision altitude using provided approved vertical guidance." Here are some key points or items from the new Instrument Rating ACS Step-by-Step Incorporate test codes into my Plan Of Action Flight Profile to take on flight The day of the test: Verify that the applicant has the proper experience. Click here for Part 61 requirements Verify approval for test in DMS Verify proper endorsements for checkride: A 1. I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged training time within 2 calendar-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and [he or she] is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of [applicable] certificate. A 2. I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which [he or she] was deficient on the [applicable] airman knowledge test. A 39. I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.65(c) and (d). I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the Instrument–[airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift] practical test. You can also give the endorsement below which can replace A 1 and A 2. A 40. I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged the required flight time/training of § 61.39(a) in preparation for the practical test within 2 calendar-months preceding the date of the test and has satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which [he or she] was shown to be deficient by the FAA Airman Knowledge Test Report. I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the Instrument–[airplane, helicopter, or powered lift] practical test. Open the proper ACS. Open my Questions & Answer page PUNCH HOLE IN OLD CERTIFICATE DPE – AM I PREPARED? SET THE ENVIRONMENT 1. Be on time 2. Physical testing environment: Ensure privacy. Eliminate possible interruptions/ have calls held, etc. 3. Psychological testing environment: Show genuine interest in the applicant. Be polite, courteous, receptive. Manage your prejudices. Keep personal or business problems to yourself ORAL QUESTIONING 1. Access all levels of learning: rote, understanding, application, correlation. Correlation: should be the objective of aviation instruction. 2. Scenario situations are one of the evaluator’s better tools for more comprehensive testing and will, to the greatest extent practicable, test the applicant’s correlative abilities. Scenarios also aid in evaluating pilot judgment, knowledge, and skill. 3. Characteristics of good oral test questions: reliable, valid, usable, objective, comprehensive, and non- discriminating. 4. Oral questioning may continue throughout the test. Here is my page for the ACS documents When the applicant is with you for the practical test and they are reviewing the online 8710, you the examiner should take control and be sure that the applicant accepts each page and does not just close each page. This is very important. Take control of this and guide the applicant through this process. Print the Knowledge Test from IACRA and compare the numbers with the original. After reviewing the 8710 in IACRA, you have a chance to return the 8710 to the applicant to correct any issues. Have the applicant sign a printed 8710 in front of you. This is for your file. In IACRA, explain in detail in the remarks/comments section any special issues. Also in this section you can explain exactly why an applicant failed so that the next examiner has the details. You can start each checkride with the PAVE and I'M SAFE checklist. At the completion of the checkride, the DPE will keep the original test results. You return the original only if you discontinue the test or the applicant fails the test. Flight Profile: Preflight Procedures ATC Clearance (actual or simulated) Intercepting and tracking a VOR radial (to/from) Comply with a departure or arrival procedure Non-precision appch (notes below) - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Approach with holding - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Partial panel appch - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Precision approach - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Missed approach - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Circling approach - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Landing from inst appch - at KDMW, KFDK, KTHV, KGAI, or KHGR Emergency operations (loss of communications) Unusual attitudes *** See note below Post flight procedures Flight Profile notes: ***A stabilized approach is characterized by a constant angle, constant rate of descent approach profile ending near the touchdown point, where the landing maneuver begins. ***Localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) minimums with a decision altitude (DA) greater than 300 feet height above touchdown (HAT) may be used as a nonprecision approach; however, due to the precision of its glidepath and localizer-like lateral navigation characteristics, an LPV minimums approach can be used to demonstrate precision approach proficiency if the DA is equal to or less than 300 feet HAT. ***The evaluator will select nonprecision approaches representative of the type that the applicant is likely to use. The choices must use at least two different types of navigational aids. ***Examples of acceptable nonprecision approaches include: VOR, VOR/DME, LOC procedures on an ILS, LDA, RNAV (RNP) or RNAV (GPS) to LNAV, LNAV/VNAV or LPV line of minima as long as the LPV DA is greater than 300 feet HAT. The equipment must be installed and the database must be current and qualified to fly GPS-based approaches. ***The applicant must accomplish at least two nonprecision approaches in simulated or actual weather conditions. • One must include a procedure turn or, in the case of a GPS-based approach, a Terminal Arrival Area (TAA) procedure. • At least one must be flown without the use of autopilot and without the assistance of radar vectors. The yaw damper and flight director are not considered parts of the autopilot for purposes of this Task. • One is expected to be flown with reference to backup or partial panel instrumentation or navigation display, depending on the aircraft’s instrument avionics configuration, representing the failure mode(s) most realistic for the equipment used. ***The evaluator has discretion to have the applicant perform a landing or a missed approach at the completion of each non precision approach. ***The applicant must accomplish a precision approach to the decision altitude (DA) using aircraft navigational equipment for centerline and vertical guidance in simulated or actual instrument conditions. Acceptable instrument approaches for this part of the practical test are the ILS and GLS. In addition, if the installed equipment and database is current and qualified for IFR flight and approaches to LPV minima, an LPV minima approach can be flown to demonstrate precision approach proficiency if the LPV DA is equal to or less than 300 feet HAT. ***The evaluator has discretion to have the applicant perform a landing or a missed approach at the completion of the precision approach. Continuous Descent Final Approach guidance ***** Unusual attitude recovery >>>>>In moderate unusual attitudes, the pilot can normally reorient by establishing a level flight indication on the attitude indicator. However, the pilot should not depend on this instrument if the attitude indicator is the spillable type, because its upset limits may have been exceeded or it may have become inoperative due to mechanical malfunction. If it is the nonspillable-type instrument and is operating properly, errors up to 5 degrees of pitch-and-bank may result and its indications are very difficult to interpret in extreme attitudes. As soon as the unusual attitude is detected, the recommended recovery procedures stated in the POH/AFM should be initiated. If there are no recommended procedures stated in the POH/AFM, the recovery should be initiated by reference to the ASI, altimeter, VSI, and turn coordinator. >>>>>FOR WINGS CREDIT>>>>> For Part 141 - You must request credit for the ground school first and the Initial Certification Instrument Rating second. Initial Certification - Instrument Rating - 141 A070502-03-141 Instrument Ground School - 141 A110520-03 For Part 61 ASEL-Instrument Procedures (ATP, Comm'l, Pvt) A070405-166 PracticalTest PlasticCertificate Detailed Information