Multi Engine Add-on Practical Test

Multi Engine Add-on Practical Test


If an applicant is doing the multi engine as their initial commercial pilot checkride, follow these guidelines regarding what they will be tested on.

Any area of operation that says - Steep Spiral (ASEL, ASES) - he/she does not need to do.

Any area of operation that does not specify, he/she needs to do. For example - VI. Navigation Task A. Pilotage and Dead Reckoning

He/she will need to do all areas that say for AMEL. For example - IX. Emergency Operations Task E. Engine Failure During Takeoff Before VMC (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES)

After printing the temporary certificate, Notice of Disapproval, or the Letter of Discontinuance, I will print a copy of this form and have the applicant sign it

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