FAA Wings Program

FAA Wings Program


FAA Wings Program

The original program from 1977 only had 3 phases; Phase I, Phase II, and Phase II. See Ac 61-91 below.

As laid out in Advisory Circular 61-91H, (obsolete, superseded by AC61-91J) the program formerly offered twenty phases for a twenty-year recurrent training opportunity. Participants were eligible for more wings every year after earning their first set, each added set marking progress.

From the program's inception in 1996 until 2007, each of the first 10 phases of the program awarded a pin and a certificate.

Phase 1 wings are plain bronze color.
Phase 2 wings are silver color with a star added.
Phase 3 wings are gold color with a star and wreath.
Phase 4 wings are gold tone and have a simulated ruby mounted in the shield.
Phase 5 wings are gold tone with a rhinestone mounted in the shield.
Phase 6 wings are gold tone with a simulated sapphire mounted in the shield.
Phase 7, 8, and 9 wings are gold tone with the appropriate Roman numeral displayed within the wreath.
Phase 10 wings are bright gold tone with the Roman numeral X and shield located within a ring of 10 stars.
Past phase 10, only a certificate is awarded.

Seaplane pilots who specify “seawings” on the proficiency award application get a distinctive set of seawings.

AC 61-91

Here are Harry's Wings under both the old and new program.

FAA Wings

In the 1980s until sometime in the 1990s, the volunteers were called Safety Counselors, in the 1990s, they became known as Accident Prevention Counselors.

Click here for a high resolution copy of the Accident Prevention Counselor bage that was issued in the early 1990s

Wings history presentation by Harry Kraemer

Wings History

Tags: FAAWings PvtLP, InstLP, ComLP, CFILP, CFIILP, MultiLP, FAASTeam, FAASafety.gov
Detailed Information
Detailed Description
FAA Wings Program. In July of 1977, a new pilot safety program was introduced to the public in FAA's Central Region (Kansas, Nebraska. Iowa. Missouri) to cope with rising numbers of general aviation aircraft accidents attributable to pilot error. Designated the "Pilot Proficiency Program," it was designed to encourage general aviation pilots to voluntarily avail themselves of continuing training. A tie tack or lapel pin and a certificate of competence were given to those pilots who completed the program. Public response has been sufficient to justify continuing the program and expanding it on a national basis.
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