ATC Clearances

ATC Clearances


Welcome to Harry's ATC Clearances Lesson Plan Page. Many of the audio clips here are from actual ATC files that Harry has collected over his 30 plus years as a flight instructor.

Instrument Checkride Mark Thernes:::

GLOSSARY dated 04-03-2014
a. In conjunction with ATC instructions, gives the
pilot the latitude to delay compliance until a
condition or event has been reconciled. Unlike “pilot
discretion,” when instructions are prefaced “when
able,” the pilot is expected to seek the first
opportunity to comply.
b. In conjunction with a weather deviation
clearance, requires the pilot to determine when he/she
is clear of weather, then execute ATC instructions.
c. Once a maneuver has been initiated, the pilot is
expected to continue until the specifications of the
instructions have been met. “When able,” should not
be used when expeditious compliance is required.

From the AIM 4-4-10 Adherence to Clearance. b. When a heading is assigned or a turn is requested by ATC, pilots are expected to promptly initiate the turn, to complete the turn, and maintain the new heading unless issued additional instructions.

On the missed approach from the NDB 16 at KTHV, the controller said "Radar contact, turn left to". At that time the applicant started the turn and that is when the DPE failed him.

Listen to the audio from the checkride via link below.

Mark's Instrument checkride NBD 16 KTHV 1994

Audio from a follow up flight on the same approach

Tags: InstrumentPilot, InstrumentRating, privatepilot, PvtLP, InstLP, ComLP, CFILP, CFIILP, MultiLP, MEILP
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ATC Clearances
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