Leaning The MixtureDescriptionLeaning The Mixture:To lean the mixture for best power cruise performance place the mixture control full forward and set the throttle slightly below (approximately 35 RPM) the desired cruise power setting and lean the mixture to peak RPM. Adjust the throttle, if necessary, for final RPM setting. For Best Economy cruise, a simplified leaning procedure which consistently allows accurate achievement of best engine efficiency has been developed. Best Economy Cruise performance is obtained with the throttle fully open. To obtain a desired cruise power setting, set the throttle and mixture control full forward, taking care not to exceed the engine speed limitation, then begin leaning the mixture. The RPM will increase slightly but will then begin to decrease. Continue leaning until the desired cruise engine RPM is reached. This will provide best fuel economy and maximum miles per gallon for a given power setting. See following CAUTION when using this procedure. Prolonged operation at powers above 75% with a leaned mixture can result in engine damage. While establishing Best Economy Cruise Mixture, below 6,000 feet, care must be taken not to remain in the range above 75% power more than 15 seconds while leaning. Above 6,000 feet the engine is incapable of generating more than 75%. PvtLP, InstLP, ComLP, CFILP, CFIILP, MultiLP, MEILP, SeaplaneLP, MiscLP, EngineTechTip Detailed Information