DC SFRA Material

DC SFRA Material


Please review this material to be sure that you are operating properly in the DC SFRA.

When departing an airport within the SFRA and you call Clearance Delivery, you are NOT "Looking for a squawk". This is not following the guidelines in the FAA's online course. When you are returning to KGAI, you are NOT "North of Wooly looking for squawk". When returning, you are at the "Wooly Gate, SFRA to KGAI".

Here is the slide from the online course showing proper language for departing KGAI

Here is the page from the Chart Supplement showing proper language for returning to KGAI

Here are some important slides from the online course. You can view the slides in this window or click on a slide and open up a new window in Flickr.

SFRA Course

Video from the FAA's online course regarding violations on SFRA rules/procedures.


The following 6 pdf are from the FAA's online course.

Flight Plan Changes

DC SFRA Checklist

SFRA Gates

JYO Procedures

SFRA Course Notes

SFRA - What Is Needed

Here are the FARs pertaining to the DC SFRA

To view the following Tracon material, see Harry Kraemer.

Tracon PowerPoint Presentation

Tracon PowerPoint Presentation Video

Tracon PowerPoint Presentation Slides

PvtLP, InstLP, ComLP, CFILP, CFIILP, MultiLP, MEILP, SeaplaneLP, MiscLP
Detailed Information
Detailed Description
DC SFRA Material
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